When using covering indexes, there are some important considerations in-terms of how your N1QL queries are constructed to ensure they do NOT return stale data from your indexes(GSIs). To better understand this concept, it's important to have a basic understanding of document expiration and how it works.
To prove the importance of this concept, let's consider a 3-Legged OAuth grant flow scenario that uses a covering index and also has documents with TTLs set to 10 minutes. After the 10 minute expiry, the document(s) with this TTL will expire and no longer be available for use.
Example model using a Document Key of: temp:code:7zk5ZDczMzRlNDEwYLj
"scopes": ["account.read", "account.update", "groups.read"],
"expiry": 1571668070320,
"userID": "34200980012",
"docType": "tempCode",
"email": "user@yourdomain.com",
"roledID": "1"
CREATE INDEX idx_temp_code ON bucket_name(
email, userid, scopes, expiry, META().expiration
WHERE docType = "tempCode"
The example query below returns documents after the bucket TTL has expired and yields stale data.
SELECT meta().expiration, email, scopes, userid
FROM bucket_name
WHERE docType="tempCode" AND email="user@yourdomain.com"
When a document's expiration is reached(i.e. TTL expires), it is deleted when one of the following occurs:
The issue in the case of covering indexes, is that N1QL does not currently use the underlying capabilities of the Subdoc API when a query is executed, so the metadata associated with the document is not taken into consideration during the phases of query execution. Therefore, we have to ensure the queries encapsulate the appropriate logic and provide the expected results.
The solution is simple and to obtain accurate results, all we need to do is modify our queries to have an additional condition. So, to solve for this situation, we simply add a condition in the WHERE clause to reference the meta().expiration
and make sure it is greater than the current time(i.e. NOW_MILLIS()
SELECT meta().expiration,email,scopes,userid
FROM bucket_name
WHERE docType="tempCode" AND email="user@yourdomain.com"
AND TOSTRING(META().expiration) > SPLIT(TOSTRING(NOW_MILLIS() / 1000), ".")[0]