The tasks endpoint will provide cluster wide information on operations such as rebalance, XDCR replications, etc. The response is an array that will need to be filtered for items containing [].type == "xdcr"
"cancelURI": "/controller/cancelXDCR/20763b82bb6b517bd0d15d9f6b78c13c%2Ftravel-sample%2Fdemo",
"settingsURI": "/settings/replications/20763b82bb6b517bd0d15d9f6b78c13c%2Ftravel-sample%2Fdemo",
"status": "running",
"replicationType": "xmem",
"continuous": true,
"filterExpression": "",
"id": "20763b82bb6b517bd0d15d9f6b78c13c/travel-sample/demo",
"pauseRequested": false,
"source": "travel-sample",
"target": "/remoteClusters/20763b82bb6b517bd0d15d9f6b78c13c/buckets/demo",
"type": "xdcr",
"recommendedRefreshPeriod": 10,
"changesLeft": 0,
"docsChecked": 0,
"docsWritten": 31591,
"maxVBReps": null,
"errors": []
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
status | Indicates whether a replication is in a "running", "paused", or "notRunning" state. | Alert if the value is "paused" or "notRunning". |
Note: The
is composed of 3 parts, delimited by a/
Sample ReplicationId: 6f76c2a07245aef856db44a8e361032/travel-sample/default
The following example illustrates outputting the replication ID and Status.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | \
jq -r 'map(select(.type | contains("xdcr"))) |
.[] | .id + " (" +.status + ")"'
This example shows outputting all replications whose status is "paused" or "notRunning"
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | \
jq -c 'map(select(
(.type | contains("xdcr"))
(.status | contains("paused") or contains("notRunning"))
)) | .[] | .id + " (" +.status + ")"'
The XDCR stats are an aggregate for all of the configured replications, either for the entire cluster or a specific node.
Stat name | Description |
replication_changes_left | The total number of changes left across all replications for the bucket |
replication_docs_rep_queue | The total number of documents in replication queue for all replications for the bucket |
replications/{replicationId}/bandwidth_usage | Bandwidth used during replication, measured in bytes per second. |
replications/{replicationId}/changes_left | Number of mutations to be replicated to the remote cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/data_replicated | Size of data replicated in bytes |
replications/{replicationId}/datapool_failed_gets | Number of failed gets from the pool |
replications/{replicationId}/dcp_datach_length | |
replications/{replicationId}/dcp_dispatch_time | |
replications/{replicationId}/deletion_docs_written | The number of docs deleted that have been written to the target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/deletion_failed_cr_source | The number of deletes that have failed conflict resolution on the source due to optimistic replication |
replications/{replicationId}/deletion_filtered | The number of deletes that have been filtered |
replications/{replicationId}/deletion_received_from_dcp | The number of deletes that have been received from DCP |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_checked | Number of documents checked for changes |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_failed_cr_source | The number of docs that have failed conflict resolution on the source due to optimistic replication |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_filtered | Number of documents that have been filtered out and not replicated to target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_opt_repd | Number of documents sent optimistically |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_processed | The number of documents processed |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_received_from_dcp | Number of documents received from DCP |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_rep_queue | Number of documents in replication queue |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_unable_to_filter | The number of documents where filtering could not be processed |
replications/{replicationId}/docs_written | Number of documents written to the target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/expiry_docs_written | The number of expiry documents written to the target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/expiry_failed_cr_source | The number of expiries that have failed conflict resolution on the source due to optimistic replication |
expiry_filtered | The number of expiry documents that have been filtered out and not replicated to the target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/expiry_received_from_dcp | The number of expiry documents that have been received |
replications/{replicationId}/expiry_stripped | The number of expiry documents removed from replicating |
replications/{replicationId}/num_checkpoints | Number of checkpoints issued in replication queue |
replications/{replicationId}/num_failedckpts | Number of checkpoints failed during replication |
replications/{replicationId}/percent_completeness | Percentage of checked items out of all checked and to-be-replicated items |
replications/{replicationId}/rate_doc_checks | |
replications/{replicationId}/rate_doc_opt_repd | |
replications/{replicationId}/rate_received_from_dcp | Number of documents received from DCP per second |
replications/{replicationId}/rate_replicated | Rate of documents being replicated, measured in documents per second |
replications/{replicationId}/resp_wait_time | |
replications/{replicationId}/set_docs_written | The number of sets that have failed conflict resolution on the source due to optimistic replication |
replications/{replicationId}/set_failed_cr_source | The number of sets that have failed conflict resolution on the source due to optimistic replication |
replications/{replicationId}/set_filtered | Number of sets that have been filtered out and not replicated to target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/set_received_from_dcp | The number of sets that have been received from DCP |
replications/{replicationId}/size_rep_queue | Size of replication queue in bytes |
replications/{replicationId}/throttle_latency | Throttle latency |
replications/{replicationId}/throughput_throttle_latency | Throughput throttle latency |
replications/{replicationId}/time_committing | Seconds elapsed during replication |
replications/{replicationId}/wtavg_docs_latency | Weighted average latency for sending replicated changes to target cluster |
replications/{replicationId}/wtavg_meta_latency | Weighted average time for requesting document metadata. XDCR uses this for conflict resolution prior to sending the document into the replication queue |
Cluster-Wide Bucket XDCR StatsThese endpoints are informational and should not be used for monitoring as they are an aggregate for the entire cluster and the best practice is to monitor each node individually.
This example will output the XDCR stats for a specific bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@xdcr-travel-sample/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length > 1) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
This example will output all XDCR stats for every bucket that has one or more replications configured.
# loop over each of the buckets
for bucket in $(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | \
jq -r '[ .[] | select(.type == "xdcr") | .source ] | sort | unique | .[]')
echo ""
echo "Bucket: $bucket"
echo "================================================================"
# get the xdcr stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@xdcr-$bucket/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length > 1) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Node-Level Bucket XDCR StatsEach data node in the cluster should be monitoring individually using the endpoint listed below.
This example will output the XDCR stats for a specific node and bucket.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@xdcr-travel-sample/nodes/ | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length > 1) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
This example will output all XDCR stats for a single node for every bucket that has one or more replications configured.
# loop over each of the buckets
for bucket in $(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | \
jq -r '[ .[] | select(.type == "xdcr") | .source ] | sort | unique | .[]')
echo ""
echo "Bucket: $bucket"
echo "================================================================"
# get the xdcr stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@xdcr-$bucket/nodes/ | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length > 1) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
This example will output all XDCR stats for a single node for every bucket that has one or more replications configured.
# get all of the buckets in the cluster that have 1 or more
# xdcr replications configured
buckets=$(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | \
jq -r '[ .[] | select(.type == "xdcr") | .source ] | sort | unique | .[]')
# get all of the nodes in the cluster running the data service
nodes=$(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/nodes | \
jq -r '.nodes[] |
select(.services | contains(["kv"]) == true) |
# loop over each of the buckets
for bucket in ${buckets[@]}
echo ""
echo "Bucket: $bucket"
echo "================================================================"
# loop over each of the nodes in the cluster
for node in ${nodes[@]}
echo "Node: $node"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
# get the xdcr stats for the bucket on the node
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@xdcr-$bucket/nodes/$node/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length > 1) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
echo ""
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
changes_left | The number of items pending XDCR replication. This can be used to approximate the degree of eventual consistency between clusters. | Create a baseline for this value as "normal" will depend on workload, XDCR configuration, and available bandwidth. Alert at 2x of baseline. This may indicate a resource bottleneck. |
bandwidth_usage | The amount of bandwidth in bytes used for XDCR replication. | An alert value for this metric should be based on the network interconnect capacity between the clusters and the percentage of the interconnect XDCR is expected or allowed to consume. |
Per Node Individual Stat for a ReplicationEach XDCR replication stat can be retrieved individually. The entire key must be URL-encoded, where /
's are replaced with %2F
This example shows requesting an individual stat for a single replication and displays the results for each data node in the cluster.
# set the replication info
# build the url
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
jq -r '.nodeStats | to_entries | .[] |
(.key | split(":") | .[0]) + ": " + (.value | add / length | tostring)'
Remote Cluster InformationThe replicationId
is a uniquely generated ID and does not convey the remote cluster details. All configured remote clusters and their associated IDs can be retrieved from the REST API.
This example shows requesting an individual stat for a single replication and displays the results for each data node in the cluster.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/remoteClusters | \
jq -r '.'
Bucket Incoming XDCR operationsTo retrieve the incoming write operations that occur on a target cluster due to replication, make the request on your target cluster and bucket.
Stat name | Description |
ep_num_ops_get_meta | The number of metadata read operations per second for the bucket as the target for XDCR |
ep_num_ops_set_meta | The number of set operations per second for the bucket as the target for XDCR |
ep_num_ops_del_meta | The number of delete operations per second for the bucket as the target for XDCR |
xdc_ops | Total XDCR operations per second for this bucket (measured from the sum of the statistics: ep_num_ops_del_meta, ep_num_ops_get_meta, and ep_num_ops_set_meta) |
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/travel-sample/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples |
"ep_num_ops_get_meta: " + (.ep_num_ops_get_meta | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_num_ops_set_meta: " + (.ep_num_ops_set_meta |add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_num_ops_del_meta: " + (.ep_num_ops_del_meta |add / length | tostring) +
"\nxdc_ops: " + (.xdc_ops |add / length | tostring)'
XDCR Timestamp-based Conflict Resolution StatsWhen using buckets configured with Timestamp-based Conflict Resolution it is important to monitor the drift related statistics. When a cluster is the destination for XDCR traffic, active vBuckets will calculate drift from their remote cluster peers.
It is normal for a cluster with closely synchronized clocks to show some drift; in general it will be showing how long it took a mutation to be replicated and should remain steady. It is also normal for the active vBucket drift to be zero if no XDCR relationship exists (or if no XDCR traffic is flowing).
Stat name | Description |
avg_active_timestamp_drift | |
avg_replica_timestamp_drift | |
ep_active_hlc_drift | The sum of total_abs_drift for the node's active vBuckets |
ep_active_hlc_drift_count | The sum of total_abs_drift_count for the node's active vBuckets |
ep_replica_hlc_drift | The sum of total_abs_drift for the node's active vBuckets |
ep_replica_hlc_drift_count | The sum of total_abs_drift_count for the node's active vBuckets |
ep_active_ahead_exceptions | The sum of drift_ahead_exceeded for the node's active vBuckets |
ep_replica_ahead_exceptions | The sum of drift_ahead_exceeded for the node's replica vBuckets |
ep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded |
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/travel-sample/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples |
"avg_active_timestamp_drift: " +
(.avg_active_timestamp_drift | add / length | tostring) +
"\navg_replica_timestamp_drift: " +
(.avg_replica_timestamp_drift | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_active_hlc_drift: " +
(.ep_active_hlc_drift | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_active_hlc_drift_count: " +
(.ep_active_hlc_drift_count | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_replica_hlc_drift: " +
(.ep_replica_hlc_drift | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_replica_hlc_drift_count: " +
(.ep_replica_hlc_drift_count | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_active_ahead_exceptions: " +
(.ep_active_ahead_exceptions | add / length | tostring) +
"\nep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded: " +
(.ep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded | add / length | tostring)'