The index status API displays all index definitions, node placement and status within the cluster.
"indexes": [
"storageMode": "plasma",
"partitioned": false,
"instId": 4607548507687231469,
"hosts": [""],
"progress": 100,
"definition": "CREATE INDEX `def_airportname` ON `travel-sample`(`airportname`) WITH { \"defer_build\":true }",
"status": "Ready",
"bucket": "travel-sample",
"index": "def_airportname",
"id": 15764219156300962421
"storageMode": "plasma",
"partitioned": false,
"instId": 11862384293590784556,
"hosts": [""],
"progress": 100,
"definition": "CREATE INDEX `def_city` ON `travel-sample`(`city`) WITH { \"defer_build\":true }",
"status": "Ready",
"bucket": "travel-sample",
"index": "def_city",
"id": 2037567312091921182
"version": 45110879,
"warnings": []
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
status | Indicates whether a index is in a "Ready" or "Building" state. | Alert if the value is not "Ready" or "Building". |
The following example illustrates outputting each Index Name and Status.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/indexStatus | \
jq -r '.indexes | sort_by(.bucket) | .[] | .bucket + ": " + .index + " (" +.status + ")"'
This example shows outputting all indexes whose status is not "Ready" or "Building"
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/indexStatus | \
jq -r '.indexes | map(select(
(.status != "Ready" and .status != "Building")
)) | .[] | .bucket + ": " + .index + " (" +.status + ")"'
The following Index service stats are available via the Cluster-Wide or Per-Node Endpoints listed below.
Stat name | Description |
index_memory_quota | The cluster wide memory quota. |
index_memory_used | The amount of memory currently used by the indexing service. |
index_ram_percent | The percentage of index entries in ram. |
index_remaining_ram | The amount of memory remaining. |
Cluster Index Service StatsThese endpoints are informational and should not be used for monitoring as they are an aggregate for the entire and cluster and the best practice is to monitor each node individually.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries[] | select(.key != "timestamp") |
.key + ": " + (.value | add / length | tostring)'
Node-Level Index Service StatsEach node in the cluster running the index service should be monitoring individually using the endpoint listed below.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the index service stats for a specific node.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
jq -r -c '.op.samples |
" index_memory_quota: " + (.index_memory_quota | add / length | tostring) +
"\n index_memory_used: " + (.index_memory_used | add / length | tostring) +
"\n index_ram_percent: " + (.index_ram_percent | add / length | tostring) +
"\n index_remaining_ram: " + (.index_remaining_ram | add / length | tostring)'
# loop over each of the buckets
for node in $(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/nodes | \
jq -r '.nodes[] |
select(.services | contains(["index"]) == true) |
echo "$node Index Stats"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
# get the index stats for the specific node
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index/nodes/$node/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries[] | select(.key != "timestamp") |
.key + ": " + (.value | add / length | tostring)'
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
index_remaining_ram | The amount of memory remaining. | Alert if this value is 20% or less, as it is an indicative of index growth and new index nodes will need to be expanded. |
The Index stats for a specific indexes are available only under the bucket that the index is created on. The same stats that are available for the service as a whole are also available on a per-index basis and can be retrieved for the entire cluster or a specific node in the cluster.
Stat name | Description |
index/{indexName}/avg_item_size | The average index entry size |
index/{indexName}/avg_scan_latency | The average latency when scanning the index |
index/{indexName}/cache_hits | The number of in-memory hits to the index |
index/{indexName}/cache_miss_ratio | The ratio of misses to hits |
index/{indexName}/cache_misses | The number of in-memory misses to the index |
index/{indexName}/data_size | The total data size of the index |
index/{indexName}/data_size_on_disk | The total size of the index data on disk |
index/{indexName}/disk_overhead_estimate | The size of stale data on disk due to fragmentation |
index/{indexName}/disk_size | The size of the index on disk |
index/{indexName}/frag_percent | The index fragmentation percentage |
index/{indexName}/index_frag_percent | The index fragmentation percentage |
index/{indexName}/index_resident_percent | The percentage of the index that is memory resident |
index/{indexName}/items_count | The number of items in the index |
index/{indexName}/log_space_on_disk | The size of the log files on disk |
index/{indexName}/memory_used | The amount of memory used by the index |
index/{indexName}/num_docs_indexed | The number of items indexed since the last restart |
index/{indexName}/num_docs_pending | The number of items pending indexing |
index/{indexName}/num_docs_pending+queued | The number of documents that are pending or queued for indexing |
index/{indexName}/num_docs_queued | The number of documents that are queued for indexing |
index/{indexName}/num_requests | The number of requests to the index |
index/{indexName}/num_rows_returned | The average number of rows returned by a scan |
index/{indexName}/raw_data_size | The raw uncompressed data size |
index/{indexName}/recs_in_mem | The number of records in the index that are in memory |
index/{indexName}/recs_on_disk | The number of records not in memory |
index/{indexName}/scan_bytes_read | The average number of bytes read per scan |
index/{indexName}/total_scan_duration | The total time spent scanning |
Cluster Individual Index StatsThese endpoints are informational and should not be used for monitoring as they are an aggregate for the entire and cluster and the best practice is to monitor each node individually.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the eventing service stats for the cluster.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index-$BUCKET/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length == 3) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Individual Index Stats per NodeEach node in the cluster running the index service should be monitoring individually.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve all of the index stats for a specific index in a bucket for a specific node.
# get the index stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index-$BUCKET/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
jq -r --arg index "$INDEX" '.op.samples |
" avg_item_size: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/avg_item_size"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n avg_scan_latency: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/avg_scan_latency"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n cache_hits: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/cache_hits"] | add | tostring) +
"\n cache_miss_ratio: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/cache_miss_ratio"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n cache_misses: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/cache_misses"] | add | tostring) +
"\n data_size: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/data_size"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n disk_overhead_estimate: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/disk_overhead_estimate"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n disk_size: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/disk_size"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n frag_percent: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/frag_percent"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n index_frag_percent: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/index_frag_percent"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n index_resident_percent: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/index_resident_percent"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n items_count: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/items_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n memory_used: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/memory_used"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_indexed: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/num_docs_indexed"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_pending+queued: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/num_docs_pending+queued"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_queued: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/num_docs_queued"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_requests: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/num_requests"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_rows_returned: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/num_rows_returned"] | add | tostring) +
"\n recs_in_mem: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/recs_in_mem"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n recs_on_disk: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/recs_on_disk"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n scan_bytes_read: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/scan_bytes_read"] | add | tostring) +
"\n total_scan_duration: " + (.["index/" + $index + "/total_scan_duration"] | add | tostring)
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve all of the index stats, for every bucket in the cluster for a single node.
# loop over each of the buckets that has indexes
for bucket in $(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/indexStatus | \
jq -r '[ .indexes[] | .bucket ] | sort | unique | .[]')
echo ""
echo "Bucket: $bucket"
echo "================================================================"
# get the index stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index-$bucket/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
# 1. reduce the samples object, by looping over each property, only work with properties
# who are index specific stat properties and either sum or average samples
# 2. get all of the unique index keys
# 3. loop over each index and output the stats
jq -r 'reduce (.op.samples | to_entries[]) as {$key, $value} (
if (
$key | split("/") | length == 3
and ($key | contains("replica ") | not)
) then
if ([
] | .[] | contains($key | split("/") | .[2]) == true) then
.[$key] += ($value | add)
.[$key] += ($value | add / length | roundit/100.0)
) | . as $stats |
$stats | keys | map(split("/")[1]) | sort | unique as $indexes |
$indexes | .[] |
"Index: " + . +
"\n----------------------------------------------------------------" +
"\n avg_item_size: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/avg_item_size"] | tostring ) +
"\n avg_scan_latency: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/avg_scan_latency"] | tostring) +
"\n cache_hits: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/cache_hits"] | tostring) +
"\n cache_miss_ratio: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/cache_miss_ratio"] | tostring) +
"\n cache_misses: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/cache_misses"] | tostring) +
"\n data_size: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/data_size"] | tostring) +
"\n disk_overhead_estimate: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/disk_overhead_estimate"] | tostring) +
"\n disk_size: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/disk_size"] | tostring) +
"\n frag_percent: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/frag_percent"] | tostring) +
"\n index_frag_percent: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/index_frag_percent"] | tostring) +
"\n index_resident_percent: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/index_resident_percent"] | tostring) +
"\n items_count: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/items_count"] | tostring) +
"\n memory_used: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/memory_used"] | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_indexed: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_docs_indexed"] | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_pending: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_docs_pending"] | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_pending+queued: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_docs_pending+queued"] | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_queued: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_docs_queued"] | tostring) +
"\n num_requests: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_requests"] | tostring) +
"\n num_rows_returned: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/num_rows_returned"] | tostring) +
"\n recs_in_mem: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/recs_in_mem"] | tostring) +
"\n recs_on_disk: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/recs_on_disk"] | tostring) +
"\n scan_bytes_read: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/scan_bytes_read"] | tostring) +
"\n avg_scan_latency: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/avg_scan_latency"] | tostring) +
"\n total_scan_duration: " + ($stats["index\/" + . + "\/total_scan_duration"] | tostring) +
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
avg_item_size | The average index entry size | Create a baseline for this value, as "normal" will depend on the size. Alert at 2x of the baseline. This would indicate a dramatic model change. |
avg_scan_latency | The average scan latency | Create a baseline for this value, as "normal" will depend on the size. Alert at 2x of the baseline. This would indicate a slowdown for index scans to the index. |
index_resident_percent | The percentage of the index that is memory resident | Create a baseline for this value as "normal" will depend on SLAs and hard configuration. Alert at 5-10% deviation of the baseline. |
num_requests | The number of index scan requests to the index | Create a baseline for this value, as "normal" will depend on the amount. Alert at 2x of the baseline. This would indicate a dramatic increase in requests. |
The Index aggregate stats for a specific bucket are available only under the bucket that the indexes exist on and are a total of all of the indexes for that bucket in the cluster or node.
Stat name | Description |
index/cache_hits | The number of in-memory hits to the index |
index/cache_misses | The number of in-memory misses to the index |
index/data_size | The total data size of the index |
index/data_size_on_disk | The total data size on disk |
index/disk_overhead_estimate | The size of stale data on disk due to fragmentation |
index/disk_size | The size of the index on disk |
index/frag_percent | The index fragmentation percentage |
index/fragmentation | The index fragmentation percentage |
index/items_count | The number of items in the index |
index/memory_used | The amount of memory used by the index |
index/num_docs_indexed | The number of items indexed since the last restart |
index/num_docs_pending | The number of documents that are pending or queued for indexing |
index/num_docs_queued | The number of documents that are queued for indexing |
index/num_requests | The number of requests to the index |
index/num_rows_returned | The average number of rows returned by a scan |
index/raw_data_size | The raw uncompressed data size |
index/recs_in_mem | The number of records in the index that are in memory |
index/recs_on_disk | The number of records not in memory |
index/scan_bytes_read | The average number of bytes read per scan |
index/total_scan_duration | The total time spent scanning |
Cluster Index Aggregate StatsThe following example demonstrates how to retrieve all of the index aggregate stats for a specific bucket in the entire cluster.
# get the index stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index-$BUCKET/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length == 2) |
" " + (.key | split("/")[1]) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Index Aggregate Stats per NodeThe following example demonstrates how to retrieve all of the index aggregate stats for a specific in a bucket for a specific node.
# get the index stats for the bucket
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@index-$BUCKET/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples |
" cache_hits: " + (.["index/cache_hits"] | add | tostring) +
"\n cache_misses: " + (.["index/cache_misses"] | add | tostring) +
"\n data_size: " + (.["index/data_size"] | add | tostring) +
"\n disk_overhead_estimate: " + (.["index/disk_overhead_estimate"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n disk_size: " + (.["index/disk_size"] | add | tostring) +
"\n frag_percent: " + (.["index/frag_percent"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n fragmentation: " + (.["index/fragmentation"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n items_count: " + (.["index/items_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n memory_used: " + (.["index/memory_used"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_indexed: " + (.["index/num_docs_indexed"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_pending: " + (.["index/num_docs_pending"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_docs_queued: " + (.["index/num_docs_queued"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_requests: " + (.["index/num_requests"] | add | tostring) +
"\n num_rows_returned: " + (.["index/num_rows_returned"] | add | tostring) +
"\n recs_in_mem: " + (.["index/recs_in_mem"] | add | tostring) +
"\n recs_on_disk: " + (.["index/recs_on_disk"] | add | tostring) +
"\n scan_bytes_read: " + (.["index/scan_bytes_read"] | add | tostring) +
"\n total_scan_duration: " + (.["index/total_scan_duration"] | add | tostring)