The Eventing stats are an aggregate for all of the Eventing Functions deployed, either for the entire cluster or a specific node.
Stat name | Description |
eventing/bucket_op_exception_count | Total number of bucket operations inside of an Eventing function which have resulted in an exception |
eventing/checkpoint_failure_count | Total number of failures when checkpointing last processed sequence numbers by v8 worker. Failures are retried using exponential backoff until timeout. |
eventing/dcp_backlog | Remaining mutations to process |
eventing/failed_count | Total number of failed Eventing function operations |
eventing/n1ql_op_exception_count | Total number of N1QL operations inside of an Eventing function which have resulted in an exception |
eventing/on_delete_failure | The total number OnDelete handler executions that have failed for all functions |
eventing/on_delete_success | Total OnDelete handler executions that have succeeded for all functions |
eventing/on_update_failure | Total OnUpdate handler executions that have failed for all functions |
eventing/on_update_success | Total OnUpdate handler executions that have succeeded for all functions |
eventing/processed_count | Total number of mutations that have been processed |
eventing/timeout_count | Total number of handler executions were terminated because the handler ran longer than the configured script timeout |
Cluster Eventing Service StatsThese endpoints are informational and should not be used for monitoring as they are an aggregate for the entire and cluster and the best practice is to monitor each node individually.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the eventing service stats for the cluster.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@eventing/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length == 2) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Node-Level Eventing Service StatsEach node in the cluster running the eventing service should be monitoring individually using the endpoint listed below.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the eventing service stats for a specific node in the cluster.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@eventing/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
jq -r -c '.op.samples |
" eventing/bucket_op_exception_count: " +
(.["eventing/bucket_op_exception_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/checkpoint_failure_count: " +
(.["eventing/checkpoint_failure_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/dcp_backlog: " +
(.["eventing/dcp_backlog"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/failed_count: " +
(.["eventing/failed_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/n1ql_op_exception_count: " +
(.["eventing/n1ql_op_exception_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/on_delete_failure: " +
(.["eventing/on_delete_failure"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/on_delete_success: " +
(.["eventing/on_delete_success"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/on_update_failure: " +
(.["eventing/on_update_failure"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/on_update_success: " +
(.["eventing/on_update_success"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/processed_count: " +
(.["eventing/processed_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n eventing/timeout_count: " +
(.["eventing/timeout_count"] | add / length | tostring)'
# loop over each of the buckets
for node in $(curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/nodes | \
jq -r '.nodes[] |
select(.services | contains(["eventing"]) == true) |
echo "$node Function Stats"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
# get the eventing stats for the specific node
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@eventing/nodes/$node/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length == 2) |
" " + (.key | split("/")[1]) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
eventing/bucket_op_exception_count eventing/failed_count eventing/n1ql_op_exception_count eventing/on_delete_failure eventing/on_update_failure eventing/timeout_count |
Any exceptions/failures should be monitored | For this value "normal" is 0, any value other than 0 would indicate exceptions are being thrown and should be investigated |
eventing/dcp_backlog | The number of items to be processed. | Create a baseline for this value as "normal" will be dependent upon your workload and number of functions. Alert at 2x of baseline. |
The Eventing stats for a specific functions are available only once the function has been deployed. The same stats that are available for the service as a whole are also available on a per-function basis and can be retrieved for the entire cluster or a specific node in the cluster.
Stat name | Description |
eventing/{function_name}/bucket_op_exception_count | Total number of operations inside of an Eventing function which have resulted in an exception for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/checkpoint_failure_count | Total number of checkpoint failures for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/dcp_backlog | Remaining mutations to process |
eventing/{function_name}/failed_count | Total number of failed Eventing function operations for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/n1ql_op_exception_count | Total number of N1QL operations inside of an Eventing function which have resulted in an exception for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/on_delete_failure | The total number OnDelete handler executions that have failed for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/on_delete_success | Total OnDelete handler executions that have succeeded for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/on_update_failure | Total OnUpdate handler executions that have failed for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/on_update_success | Total OnUpdate handler executions that have succeeded for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/processed_count | Total number of mutations that have been processed for the function |
eventing/{function_name}/timeout_count | Total number of handler executions that have resulted in a timeout for the function |
Cluster Eventing Function StatsThese endpoints are informational and should not be used for monitoring as they are an aggregate for the entire and cluster and the best practice is to monitor each node individually.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the eventing service stats for the cluster.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@eventing/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | .[] |
select(.key | split("/") | length == 3) |
" " + (.key) + ": " +
(.value | add / length | tostring)'
Eventing Function Stats per NodeEach node in the cluster running the eventing service should be monitoring individually, although as functions can be dynamic, from a manageability standpoint, it will be easier to monitor the aggregate stats of the service. However, each individual function can be monitored if you so choose.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the specific eventing function stats for the node.
curl \
--user Administrator:password \
--silent \
--request GET \
--data zoom=minute \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/@eventing/nodes/$NODE/stats | \
jq -r '.op.samples as $stats
| $stats | [
keys | .[] | select(. | split("/") | length == 3) | split("/")[1]
] | sort | unique as $funcs
| $funcs | .[] |
"Function: " + . +
"\n----------------------------------------------------------------" +
"\n bucket_op_exception_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/bucket_op_exception_count"] | add | tostring) +
"\n checkpoint_failure_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/checkpoint_failure_count"] | add | tostring) +
"\n dcp_backlog: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/dcp_backlog"] | add | tostring) +
"\n failed_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/failed_count"] | add | tostring) +
"\n n1ql_op_exception_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/n1ql_op_exception_count"] | add | tostring) +
"\n on_delete_failure: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/on_delete_failure"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n on_delete_success: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/on_delete_success"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n on_update_failure: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/on_update_failure"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n on_update_success: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/on_update_success"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n processed_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/processed_count"] | add / length | tostring) +
"\n timeout_count: " +
($stats["eventing/" + . + "/timeout_count"] | add | tostring)
Couchbase Metric | Description | Response |
eventing/{func_name}/bucket_op_exception_count eventing/{func_name}/failed_count eventing/{func_name}/n1ql_op_exception_count eventing/{func_name}/on_delete_failure eventing/{func_name}/on_update_failure eventing/{func_name}/timeout_count |
Any exceptions/failures should be monitored | For this value "normal" is 0, any value other than 0 would indicate exceptions are being thrown and should be investigated |
eventing/{func_name}/dcp_backlog | The number of items to be processed. | Create a baseline for this value as "normal" will be dependent upon your workload and number of functions. Alert at 2x of baseline. |