Couchbase Lite brings powerful querying and Full-Text-Search(FTS) capabilties to the edge. The query builder interface is based on SQL++, Couchbase’s declarative query language that extends SQL for JSON. If you are familiar with SQL, you will feel right at home with the semantics of the new API. The query builder API is designed using the Fluent API Design Pattern, and it uses method cascading to read to like a Domain Specific Language (DSL). This makes the interface very intuitive and easy to understand.
In this step of the learning path you will learn the fundamentals of:
While the demo app has a lot of functionality, this step will walk you through:
NOTE: This step assumes you completed the previous step
Batch operations
that loaded the sample data into the application. This part of the learning path will not work if you don't complete the previous steps.
Learn Couchbase Lite with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
repository from GitHub.git clone
A reminder that Couchbase Lite is a JSON Document Store. A Document
is a logical collection of named fields and values. The values are any valid JSON types. In addition to the standard JSON types, Couchbase Lite supports Date
and Blob
data types. While it is not required or enforced, it is a recommended practice to include a "documentType" property that can serve as a namespace for related documents.
The sample app was loaded with a collection of Document
with a "documentType" property of "project" in the previous step. Each document represents a project that a team would would work on and have to complete before the due date based on a selected location, which is another document type.
An example of a document would be:
"team": "team1",
"modifiedOn": "1656804469897",
"documentType": "project",
"createdBy": "",
"dueDate": "1734415200000",
"name": "Santa Clara Warehouse Audit",
"description": "Audit of warehouse stock located in Santa Clara, CA.",
"modifiedBy": "",
"warehouse": {
"documentType": "warehouse",
"name": "Santa Clara Warehouse",
"shippingTo": [
"warehouseId": "e1839e0b-57a0-472c-b29d-8d57e256ef32",
"city": "Santa Clara",
"address1": "3250 Dr Olcott Street",
"postalCode": "95054",
"latitude": 32.3803024,
"state": "CA",
"salesTax": 0.0913,
"longitude": -121.9674197,
"yearToDateBalance": 0.0
"projectId": "663953ba-9e4c-4090-9e07-642c1778d467",
"createdOn": "1656804469897"
When a "project" is retreived from the database it is stored within an data class of type Project.
data class Project (
var projectId: String = "",
var name: String = "",
var description: String = "",
var isComplete: Boolean = false,
var documentType: String = "",
@Serializable(with = DateSerializer::class)
var dueDate: Date? = null,
var warehouse: Warehouse? = null,
//security tracking
var team: String = "",
var createdBy: String = "",
var modifiedBy: String = "",
@Serializable(with = DateSerializer::class)
var createdOn: Date? = null,
@Serializable(with = DateSerializer::class)
var modifiedOn: Date? = null
When a "warehouse" from a project is retreived from the database it is stored within a data class of type Warehouse.
data class Warehouse(
val warehouseId: String,
val name: String,
val address1: String,
val address2: String? = "",
val city: String,
val state: String,
val postalCode: String,
val salesTax: Double,
val yearToDateBalance: Double,
val latitude: Double,
val longitude: Double,
val shippingTo: List<String>,
val documentType: String
The Query API in Couchbase Lite is extensive. On the Developer - Database Information screen we display the number of warehouse documents found in the warehouse database. The QueryBuilder
API along with the count function was used to calculate this number. To see the Developer Information screen:
The "DevDatabaseInfoView" screen displays the count of how many documents are in the warehouse database with the type set to 'warehouse'.
The DevDatabaseInfoView function obtains this information from the DevDatabaseInfoViewModel class, which tracks this in a mutableStateOf variable. The view model calls the WarehouseRepositoryDb which runs the query to calculate the count.
private suspend fun updateWarehouseCount() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val locationCount = warehouseRepository.warehouseCount()
if (locationCount > 0) {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
numberOfWarehouses.value = locationCount
function.override suspend fun warehouseCount(): Int {
API that will look for Documents that match the specified criteria.var resultCount = 0
val countAliasName = "count"
try {
val db = databaseResources.warehouseDatabase
db?.let {
val query = QueryBuilder // <1>
.select(SelectResult.expression(Function.count(Expression.string("*"))).`as`(countAliasName)) // <2>
.from(DataSource.database(it)) // <3>
.where( // <4>
val results = query.execute().allResults() // <5>
resultCount = results[0].getInt(countAliasName) // <6>
} catch (e: Exception){
Log.e(e.message, e.stackTraceToString())
specified the Data Source which is the warehouse databasewhere
clauses that uses the equalTo
operator to look for the "warehouse" string in the "type" property.execute().allResults()
method on the Query that was constructed in the previous stepselect
clauseThe Query Builder API in Couchbase Lite is extensive. In our second example, we will be using the QueryBuilder
API to make a simple pattern matching query using the equalTo operator. This example will use Live Query with Kotlin coroutine flows.
From the "Login" screen, when a user logs in with the proper credentials they are presented with a list of projects there team is assigned to work on.
Open the ProjectListView.kt file and locate the ProjectListView
The live query is collected as state from the Flow<Listcold stream
TIP: Anytime documents change or are added to the database that satisify this query, the flow would stream to the ProjectListViewModel and the ProjectListView would collect it if it's the current composable on the screen. The
live query
API via the queryChangeFlow function can dynmamically update your UI without the need for end user interaction, which will come in handy in future sections of the learning path when we review replication.
val projectList by viewModel.repositoryFlow.collectAsState(initial = listOf())
property.var repositoryFlow: Flow<List<Project>> = repository.getDocuments(
The view model exposes the flow which is a list of projects from the repository getDocument function. The getDocument function takes in the current user's team in order to filter out results to only the projects associated with that team.
To see how to build a flow, open the ProjectRepositoryDb.kt file and locate the getDocuments function.
override fun getDocuments(team: String): Flow<List<Project>>
API that will look for Documents that match the specified criteria. val query = QueryBuilder // <1>
.select(SelectResult.all()) // <2>
.from(DataSource.database(database).`as`("item")) // <3>
.where( //4"documentType")
.equalTo(Expression.string(projectType)) // <4>
.equalTo(Expression.string(team)))) // <4>
specifies that we are interested in all properties in Documents that match the specified criteriaDataSource.database(database).\\
specified the Data Source. Note we have to use escape character in order to use the as functionExpression
builds a QueryExpression
used to find documents where the type
property and the team
properties are equal to the value passed inval flow = query // <1>
.queryChangeFlow() // <1>
.map { qc -> mapQueryChangeToProject(qc) } // <2>
.flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) // <3>
query.execute() // <4>
return flow // <5>
REMINDER: Kotlin Co Routine Flows emit new values into the stream of data and are not returned until they are collected.
Creating indexes for non-FTS based queries is optional. However, to speed up queries, you can create indexes on the properties that you would query against. Indexing is handled eagerly.
In the DatabaseManager.kt file, locate the createTeamTypeIndex
We create an index on the type
and team
properties of the documents in the inventory database.
private fun createTeamTypeIndex(){
try {
inventoryDatabase?.let { // <1>
if (!it.indexes.contains(teamIndexName)) {
// create index for ProjectListView to only return documents with
// the type attribute set to project and the team attribute set to the
// logged in users team
it.createIndex( // <2>
teamIndexName, // <3>
IndexBuilder.valueIndex( // <4>, // <5> // <5>
} catch (e: Exception){
android.util.Log.e(e.message, e.stackTraceToString())
The Query Builder API supports serveral operators including the LIKE which can be used for string matching. We use the LIKE operator on the data editor screen for Projects to find a warehouse to add to a project. Let's review the code.
NOTE: The like operator performs case sensitive matches. To perform case insensitive matching, use lowercase or uppercase functions to ensure all comparators have the same case, thereby removing the case issue.
On the Project Editor screen we provide a link to the Warehouse Section screen. To see the Project Editor screen:
No Warehouse Selected
Let's review the code for the Warehouse Section screen.
Open the WarehouseSelectionView.kt file and locate the WarehouseSelectionView
The WarehouseSelectionView exposes the viewModel's onSearch which the WarehouseSector function uses with the Search button.
searchCity = viewModel.searchCity.value,
searchState = viewModel.searchState.value,
onSearchCityChanged = viewModel.onSearchCityChanged,
onSearchStateChanged = viewModel.onSearchCountryChanged,
onSearch = viewModel.onSearch,
warehouseStatusMessage = viewModel.locationStatusMessage.value,
warehouses = viewModel.warehousesState,
onWarehouseSelected = onWarehouseSelected
fun WarehouseSelector(
searchCity: String,
searchState: String,
onSearchCityChanged: (String) -> Unit,
onSearchStateChanged: (String) -> Unit,
onSearch: () -> Unit,
warehouseStatusMessage: String,
warehouses: List<Warehouse>,
onWarehouseSelected: (Warehouse) -> Unit
Button(modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = 4.dp),
colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = Red500),
onClick = {
val definition.val onSearch: () -> Unit = {
viewModelScope.launch { // <1>
if (searchCity.value.length >= 2) { // <2>
isLoading.value = true
val warehouses = warehouseRepository // <3>
.getByCityState(searchCity.value, searchState.value) // <3>
if (warehouses.isNotEmpty()) { // <4>
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
isLoading.value = false
} else { // <5>
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
locationStatusMessage.value = "No Locations Found"
isLoading.value = false
function.override suspend fun getByCityState(searchCity: String, searchState: String?): List<Warehouse> {
try {
val db = databaseResources.warehouseDatabase
db?.let { database ->
//search by city
var whereQueryExpression = Function
.like(Expression.string("%" + searchCity.lowercase() + "%")) // <1>
//search by optional state
searchState?.let { state ->
if (state.isNotEmpty()) { // <2>
val stateQueryExpression = Function
.like(Expression.string("%" + state.lowercase() + "%")) // <2>
whereQueryExpression =
whereQueryExpression.and(stateQueryExpression) // <2>
//add type filter
val typeQueryExpression = Function
.equalTo(Expression.string(documentType)) // <3>
whereQueryExpression = whereQueryExpression.and(typeQueryExpression) // <3>
//create query to execute using QueryBuilder API
val query = QueryBuilder
.where(whereQueryExpression) // <4>
//loop through results and add to list
query.execute().allResults().forEach { item -> // <5>
val json = item.toJSON()
val warehouse = Json.decodeFromString<WarehouseDao>(json).item
} catch (e: Exception){
Log.e(e.message, e.stackTraceToString())
Congratulations on completing this step of our learning path!
This step of the learning path walked you through the Query Builder API in Couchbase Lite and used it to return documents from the database and we looked at calling the Query API built-in count function. Check out the following links for further documenation and continue on to the next step to learn more about how to use Query Builder with SQL++ syntax.